Monday, February 2, 2009

Time Out!

SO- I'm taking a "sick" day today. The only reason I put quotations around "sick" is because it isn't the physical kind of sick.

I'm completely overwhelmed and stressed. I feel behind in the race and I need to catch up somehow. So tomorrow, I will update you and the boy stuff, but for today....I'm going to try and relax!

More than anything I just want to be happy with whatever situation I'm in and I feel like that isn't happening. Instead of getting happy, I'm maybe just going crazy. So...cheers to mental health days.


Kristina P. said...

I call those mental health days. Big fan here.

Jules AF said...

I call those days "everyday" in my world.... I don't do much.

ChrisJCole said...

Hey B -

Sorry If I bothered you too much...I am worried about you! So text me or whatever if you want to talk. I can totally understand your feelings...well not exactly but I can understand stress and anxiety. :-) You've been my "therapist" now I can return the favor.