Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Man Baby

As much as I love blogging about ridiculous stories involving my life, I will say it's nice for the waters to calm a little. Sometimes I forget I have the real responsibilities of life and have weekends where I pretend homework isn't waiting for me. And then I remember that I have a huge media law test this Friday and a part of my heart dies a little. Not going to lie, I'll probably end up eating my feelings! Mmmm I love sugar with a hint of saturated fat and carbs.

I've been lonely for awhile. Not in a literal sense, as I am often surrounded by people all day every day. It's the feeling of a hollow body and feeling like no one you see or talk to has any idea who you are but wishing they did, or wishing anyone did. I do have a freakin awesome life. No denying that fo sho! I mean seriously, love my little Passat I drive around (even though I wish someone would total it so I didn't have to keep making payments), I love learning and have the opportunity to be college educated, I have a nice room, a TV (the love of my life) and awesome people I can count on. Just needed to count my blessings...they are many.

I'm not going lie, sometimes I feel like I want to stab someone. Today it's a lady I know whom I won't reveal, we'll just call her Spud. I love that she has no sense of personal space. She also looks like this:

In some ways she makes me laugh, but sometimes I think violent thoughts. I'm horrible.
On the dating front: not much to report! I'm tempted to make up a boyfriend like George Glass. But then again, being single has its perks. Guess who bought herself some sweet stuff on Sephora instead of having to buy some dude I'll probably break up with a Valentines Day present? Yup... me! Don't worry though, any new and exciting events I'll be sure to blog about.

And don't think I forgot...today's Reason to Run:

9. If he starts to get in your space (calling, texting, calling some more...) he's probably a baby and those are no fun.

So real babies are fun, don't get me wrong. But, you don't want to date one. You need a guy who has his stuff together and can survive without you for a day! Insecurities can ruin a relationship, so make sure he is stable enough to last a second without talking to you!

Peace, love, and of course...

Happy Dating!


Jules AF said...

Sometimes, the loneliest place is within a crowd.

Kristina P. said...

That picture is so creepy!

ChrisJCole said...

Hey B -

I totally agree. I love my life too, don't get me wrong and I am not a lonely person there are many people around me and I know who I can turn to. But you are right I want to stab someone some times...I think I know who you are talking about :-)

Some times one thing that keeps me going is thinking about the hymn "Where can I turn for Peace?"