Monday, February 16, 2009

Stupid homework...

Well, this weekend has definitely been interesting.

So..if you've been keeping up, I had a "date" on Friday. Was not a date. It ended up being the three of us, Me, friend from high school, and friend from high schools friend. To be honest, I ended up having more fun with friend from high school. I think he has changed for the better. The three of us actually ended up spending the entire weekend together. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Not gonna lie, kinda weird some of the time but I do enjoy the company.

As much fun as it is to hang out though, that isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I want more than that. I still want to date casually, but dating and hanging out aren't the same. With hanging out there really is no expectation for anything to go beyond just that. With dating, I think both parties understand that you're trying them on. To me, boys will always be like shoes. Although I've had way more shoes that fit.

Basically I'll spend the next week doing homework. I like to think I have a little more self control than I do and that I use the weekends to do homework. But then I don't. I'll keep blogging, but I won't promise anything worth reading ;)

Happy Presidentos day!


Jules AF said...

I'm studying too. BOOOO

ChrisJCole said...

Hey B -

Sometimes it is a good idea to step back and take a look at what is going on in life. Don't let one thing or another get you down. Homework isn't all that bad sometimes. It takes your mind off things and gives you something else to worry about. Guys will come and go so look towards the future...see ya on the flip side.


Erin said...

Hey girl. We really should get together one of these days and go to lunch. I seriously might be coming down this weekend or next. You should just go on a friend date with me :) Although, I can't promise I'll pay...