Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My O My

Finally! A New not lame post!

Ok, so lemme give you the run down on new letter N. I met him at a Sunday game night (previous posts). We ended up hanging out almost every day last week. The thing is, he started to get SUPER needy. I realize he just moved here and didn't know very many people, but I am not in a position to be responsible for that. Anyway, turned into too much drama than I need. I'd still like to be his friend, but I think I may have burned that bridge. Not intentionally, but he seemed super sensitive to things. I promise I care, I'm just too exhausted emotionally to worry about it too much.

Ok, so last night I had an unexpected date. I consider it a date because he bought me dinner. I don't know any official qualifications as to what is considered a date, but I just made one. So there we go. Ok, so I went to family home evening (church thing) last night (I've been trying to be more social) and I was planning on leaving but our new letter O, said he hadn't seen all of the 3rd season of The Office. What?! So I told him I had it and said I needed to get food and he said well let's go! So we did. It was really fun! Tonight we are going to watch American Idol and more office episodes. It helps that we are neighbors. And TV isn't lame so don't even go there!

I'm still not looking for any serious relationship. It seems all that happens is I end up with so much anxiety I can't stand and then I cry and freak out and somehow have to end the relationship. And then I meet someone new and it happens all over again. It just hasn't been worth it at all lately. So...still in time out mode from serious dating. We'll see how long that lasts.

And of course...Today's Reason to Run:

5. If he suggests that you pay for half of dinner on your first date, peace out fool.

I mean seriously, if he wants to take you out, paying for it should be his responsibility. If he can't afford to take you out, he should make you dinner. I appreciate that even more sometimes! So if does something as ridiculous as this, you are welcome to find someone who will. Of course after you've been dating awhile, it's polite to offer, but on the first date? Yeah right.

Happy Dating!


Kristina P. said...

I completely agree! Make dinner at home!

Jules AF said...

I haven't eaten out in soooo long.

ChrisJCole said...

Good for you Bailey! Stick with the not serious dating thing at least until you are out of school. I totally understand about the anxiety thing too. I think JoAnne had a bit of that when we are dating but once you find the one then be persistent.

Just make sure whatever letter or number he is that he is GOOD ENOUGH for you.

PS- McDonalds is NOT a good place for a first date. My Uncle took my Aunt there on a first date and he made her PAY for her dinner!

Uh yeah....


ChrisJCole said...

Good for you Bailey! Stick with the not serious dating thing at least until you are out of school. I totally understand about the anxiety thing too. I think JoAnne had a bit of that when we are dating but once you find the one then be persistent.

Just make sure whatever letter or number he is that he is GOOD ENOUGH for you.

PS- McDonalds is NOT a good place for a first date. My Uncle took my Aunt there on a first date and he made her PAY for her dinner!

Uh yeah....


Berkeley said...

Your friend O seems to know too much about groundhogs. This pleases me. I approve heartily.