Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hi, You're Cute! Let's Date!

I'm feeling good today. I've gotten a lot accomplished already so I'm feeling productive and that makes me happy. I still have so much to do, but it will be nice when it's done that it will be worth it!

Still have lingering angry feelings about him, but I'm OK right now. Just trying to push those thoughts away. Time to be done with that. The only person it hurts is me.

As I was in class today, I was thinking that I'm a smart chick. Ha! I know it sounds weird, but I am. I feel like I have informed opinions and I'm educated and I do really well in school..I'm smart. Problem is, I think it can shy guys away sometimes. I think maybe my style can seem abrasive which may imply that I carry that over into relationships. And maybe I do. Who knows? I just wonder if this is something I should work on changing, or do I just say hey man, it's the way I am-I don't expect someone to change for me, why should I change for them? Hm. Don't know.

Thinking about going dancing tomorrow, but I don't need any more tiredness which helps me justify skipping Friday morning class. Every morning I think about the consequences of not going. Used up my allotted absences in like the first month. Awesome.

Alright, so nothing much else to report. Saw a cute boy today and totally wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't think of a way to say what up without looking like a crazy! It sucks we can't just walk up to people and start talking, but then again if people did that to me I think I would be angry. People are weird ;)

Will return to Reasons to Run soon, promise. Also- I want to know who you are! So if you could be so kind as to publicly follow my blog I'd be eternally grateful- plus I want to read your blog!

Happy day before almost Friday!


Jules AF said...

I hate Fridays. HATE HATE HATE them.

ChrisJCole said...

So B -

Yes I think you are a smart Chick but why would that be a bad thing? I would hope to have an intelligent conversation with the people I date.

Good Idea on the not skipping class thing. It does wonders for the grades :-)


PS-Don't change a thing.

Berkeley said...

"Hi, You're cute! Let's be cousins!"