Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sweet or Scary?

Monday night I was completely focused on finishing my workout strong. I was cycling like my life depended on it and watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 (getting divorced?! Broke my heart!)
And then, I was interrupted. This guy walks up to me and sets this on the front of my calorie counter:

* "You're Stunning- Let's go out- Call me. Charles."

So... I'm leaving it up to you. Should I go out with him? Vote here ------------------------>

*Personal information ommited as to protect the individual's identity.


Organic Meatbag said...

Whoa, whoa... I guess what we need to know is if you have ever talked to this guy before?...know anything about him? Ever seen him at this gym? For all we know, he might pick you up for the date and he could be wearing a coonskin cap or he could be carrying a ventriloquist's dummy, and he will ONLY talk to you through the dummy!

Jules AF said...

That's weird!

Bailey said...

We've emailed a little bit back and forth. With the wonders of the the interwebs I do know that he appears to be normal. Although I do know serial killers also look normal...

Julie said...

I like his handwriting and the fact that he knew how to spell "you're". Plus, his word choice was nicely done--not, "hey gorgeous" or some dumb phrase, "stunning" is a great word.

Anonymous said...

Julie, you're (notice the consistently correct usage) awesome.

And yes, stunning IS a great word, and the only one that fits Bailey.

Define Benjamin & Heather said...

Dont let him pick you up at your home. Meet him in a public place. this is more safe.

Anonymous said...