Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So many letters, so little time.

Anything could have been better than last week, but this one has been exceptional.

So this weekend I have a date Friday and on Saturday. More importantly I'm excited for a date I will have next week. Funny thing about time though- sometimes it changes things. So I will hold off on too much excitement until after said date.

I think I may have implied in my last blog that I can't find anyone to kiss. This is very much not the case. It's easy to kiss someone I don't know. I think that goes for most people. If you don't know them, they can't gross you out and you can be blissfully ignorant to how horrible they are. The key is finding someone you already know and like and want to kiss them for those reasons as opposed to just really wanting some action because your canteen is empty. So- currently in search of boy who is worthy of kissing :)

Nothing really new with mystery guy. Whatever. I'm kind of crushing on yet another boy...
The thing is, it takes a lot for me to get emotionally attached for to the point where I'm really sad if things don't work out. So I guess I just move around a lot if I'm not seeing any interest from the other side. I'm so emotionally healthy ;)

Today's Reason to Run:

11. If he is constantly talking about his ex girlfriends, maybe he should just go hang out with them.

This picture has nothing to do with anything, but I love it.
I'm really not into dudes who talk about other chicks. I want to feel like he is excited to be there with me- even if he isn't. Just no sense in bringing up another girl, it's really unattractive and I know I am absolutely not alone in this sentiment. If he can't stop talking about her- go find a boy who wants to talk about you!
Happy dating!


Kristina P. said...

Congrats on your two dates, you little hussy!

Jules AF said...

I've never kissed a boy I found kissable.... Well, one had really luscious lips.... Does that count?

ChrisJCole said...


I too am proud of your dates. I'm going to answer like three posts here in one. Kissing...when I was divorced I missed it and so I know how you feel. Don't panic if you run out of letters for boys. You are an awesome, unique (in a very good way), and ambitious woman...You'll find him. And you are young!

Bags said...

Right now I feel like 'S' stands for 'suspense.' However, there are boundless possibilities, and I may change my mind even before I lay my head to sleep this evening...

Surprisingly Good
pSycho (I hope not)
So so good I want to do it again...

See you Sunday.

*This comment makes me think of Hiss from Disney's Robin Hood. "But Ssssssire! They may be banditssss!"

Anonymous said...

Well Bailey,
After reading you blog I had a couple of quick thoughts that came to mind. When it comes to the awesomeness of the male species I have a friend, which I will refer to as "S". This kid has all the skills it takes to be a winner, he's got lawn mowing skills, tree jumping skills, book reading skills, and as great as your blog is, he's got the best blogger skills around. I haven't yet mentioned his flawless body yet (which by the way is untouchable!) So as you're searching for the perfect kissable boy remember my friend "S" and think to yourself, am I good enough to kiss this boy?

Anonymous said...

S is also for suave, sarcastic (in a charming sort of way), spiffy, and scholar (as in gentleman and scholar).

Just my two sents (oh, wait, cents)

Chad Chad said...

Oh, this is So Obvious. This said guy is super stud. I do things with him all the time. Can’t help but laugh constantly with his quick wit and stellar personality.

Unknown said...

'S' seems like a silly moniker, but my friends shall go by it, because while others are superb in their salacity, he is sacrosanct in superfluous ways. besides, he is almost as excited as you seem to be. and lets face it. 's' is a funny guy.