Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cadbury Life Preserver

This week has been pretty busy thus far- but hopefully I'll make it without a nervous break down. Or at least crying. So far naps+cadbury mini eggs= no tears.

I've been trying to study when I get home from class, then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week I've hung out with S or R later in the evening.

We went over Monday, and Tuesday I spent some time with S again. We went to this hip hop class which basically just made me realize that I'm extremely rusty slash out of shape. It was humbling as I'm used to being the best in the class but there were people there that could eat me for dance breakfast. Nice to get some exercise though and do what I love more than anything else.

Last night I spent about 4 hours studying, then went with R to a movie. We saw Taken...I thought it was wicked awesome. I would give it probably a realistic 8 out of 10. I felt my time was well spent. The only time I've ever felt like I completely waisted my time and was slightly angry is when I saw Ice Age. I just heard blogosphere gasps, but really, worst movie ever!

I really am trying to figure out which guy I would really want something to progress with in a romantic relationship. It's been a lot harder than I thought it would be. I just want to make sure I'm making the right choice, that is, if either of them are right for me. I truly don't want to hurt anyone so I think it's important to take my time and be very careful. I am currently not kissing nor I have committed to either boy. I don't think I could feel good about making out with someone, then going on a date the next day with someone else. Not cool. So wish me luck....I need it.


Jules AF said...

Cadbury eggs are gross! But good luck with the guys!

Bailey said...

WHAH?!? They're the best!

Bags said...

Well, if either of those 2 dudes you're trying to decide on doesn't work, you just let me know. I'd totally date you.

Kristina P. said...

Julie obviously doesn't know what she's talking about. Cadbury Mini Eggs are like crack.

ChrisJCole said...

B- I totally agree about the Cadbury eggs...they are da bomb. Don't have a nervous isn't that fun...and I don't need another person in the Funny Farm...Hey you never wrote me back on Facebook...What's the deal??


Define Benjamin & Heather said...

S seems likes a really nice guy, and R seems really cool; i approve. You seem to be handling this situation realistically, which is good. When it comes down to it, just date who you want even if it doesn't include either those two boys, don't worry about hurting someones feelings, you seem to be going slow which is good. Plus its a good way to build friendships.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if things don't work out with either of those two boys, I have a son I would love to line you up with. He is cute, funny, thoughtful and very kind. I think he would love to date you.

Anonymous said...

I guess since I posted as anonymous I should let you know that you can check him out at He is a blogger. Please don't judge him by his last is kind of gross. He really is a great guy. Why don't you check him out!