Dearest friends and family:
Thank you for continuing to read my blog. It truly makes me happy when I see my readership climb and climb. It's a simple pleasure I've become incredibly fond of.
I've been spending time with R this week and enjoying it very much. I like building a friendship and learning more about someone that genuinely wants to learn about me. We've been watching movies, drinking hot chocolate, playing games, and working on puzzles. I didn't realize how much it sounds like we are 60 living in a retirement community. To each their own! I'll continue to write about adventures of Bailey and R in the future.
I feel good today. This may be in part due to the fact that I took another mental health day (I won't feel guilty!) but I feel happy. I feel grateful and blessed in many ways. I love the sunshine and feeling like the world is a beautiful place.
I still hate cats.
Dinner: Jill's Sweet chicken
7 years ago
Yay for mental health days!
I wanted to take a mental health day today.... (You'll find out why tomorrow) But I couldn't justify it. Dangit.
This R guy seems really cool =D
B -
I think I really need a mental health day :-)
It's been fun to be part of your "extended family." I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy reading and watching you evolve.
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