Well, it's been an interesting morning. I've been working out consistently for the past 2 weeks. So when I weighed myself this morning, imagine my delight when I saw the scale go UP! That's right. Working out makes me gain weight. Ugh.
I was able to see my final grades for last semester today. I've done better, but I've done worse. Oh well.
So...I "forgot" to mention...I had a date last night. Honestly, I don't even know how it happened. One minute I'm talking about wanting to see a movie, and the next I have a dinner and a movie date for Wednesday. I think we can officially consider me a Professional Dater. Not to be confused with Professional Relationship Haver. It was fun, and T was very nice. Wolverine rules. It's weird having to continue with letters again. I'm still having reservations. I'm just not ready yet. I thought maybe if I just put my foot in the door I would start feeling more ready. But maybe just not quite yet. I still miss Nate. I do fine during the day but when night comes I start to get emotional about it again. It's weird. I hope that won't continue very much longer.
And...big news here...for the first time ever...I got hit on at the gym. Yes. Me. And get this...he wasn't a total creeper. In fact, he seemed fairly normal and nice. Of course not only am I a Professional Dater, but I'm also a Professional Social Media User and found him on Facebook. And I didn't even know his last name. I'm so amazing...or there is really something wrong with me. Take your pick.
Dinner: Jill's Sweet chicken
7 years ago
aw cute. ya... it can get old on going on a date after date after date... my friends think im crazy, because i date so much compared to them... join the club! and I totally thought you were talking about T Taylor at first, ha. but then I realized you were talking about your alphabet.
usually when you work out, you will get a little heavier before you start losing the weight because you are building muscle... that's what dane says anyway. I'm glad you liked wolverine. Good thing they are making a 2nd one and a movie on deadpool and magnentio. haha did you like hugh's tan line?? hehe
Well, you are a total hottie, so I can see it happening.
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