Tomorrow I've decided to take a slightly different approach than some of my normal first dates. I think it's because so far...I am interested in this one (as opposed to not knowing if I'm interested at all!)
I've always been good at flirting. I don't know why. It's just a gift. I actually met my ex Derek while I was giving a flirting lesson to my old roommates. I know, right? So anyway, flirting...and being charming and witty...those come naturally. However...I have a few tendencies to do some less than stellar things...
1. I can be too sarcastic. Sometimes it seems that if my sarcasm were fire I would light the entire room. I have to be careful with this because A. Sometimes people don't understand it and B. They don't know me well enough and it can seem rude and off putting.
2. Sometimes I can be rude and off putting. I don't mean it! I swear! I think sometimes I can't hear my tone of voice or hear how things sound and I just sound like a bitter single adult man hater. I'm not!
3. I'll hold off on saying any compliments I feel. I've come to the conclusion that I do this because then I am vulnerable. They now have the ball in their court so to speak. But I think I should just say it. Who doesn't like a compliment?
I'll let you know how my new "techniques" work out. Cross your fingers!
Dinner: Jill's Sweet chicken
7 years ago
Sarcasm makes the world go round.
Oh Bailey. many people say that I am charismatic but will you give me some flirting lessons. my friends say I am a big flirt... but i just thought I was being 'friendly' ha. so you should teach me sometime so I know the difference between friendlaaay and flirtaaay. ha...
i love your cute face.
It's remarkable you get any dates at all, considering how abrasive and arrogant you come off (though you undoubtedly view those two traits as praiseworthy), along with your obsession with "being special" or "different". You aren't. Everything you do is contrived and cliche. This blog is a series of increasingly mundane, vapid, and narcissistic masturbatory indulgences. You love yourself. You're brilliant. We get it.
And don't insult your audience for "not getting" your sarcasm -- you are a straight-up caustic cunt. Recognize this and attribute the blame correctly! I wish you more failures in every sphere of your life, as I detest you and people like you. You are not above anybody else. Stop talking down to the world.
Dear Anonymous (of course you wouldn't have the guts to reveal yourself),
I wont waste time telling you what I really think. If you don't like my blog...stop reading. Clearly, you aren't completely ignorant as you are able to compile sentences with more than 2 syllable it puzzles me as to why you would take the time to comment on something you clearly detest. Best of luck in life. Stay out of mine.
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