Thursday, April 16, 2009


If I had to choose one quality about myself that would get an F- it would definitely have to be patience.

I am always pushing to have things be done, to move and to go and get results! In some aspects of my life it's great! I work hard in whatever career path I've put myself on. I don't procrastinate in my school assignments (at least not to the nervous break down point). However, it's a whole different ball game when it comes to relationships in any context.

I love to know things. I love to know things right now. I always think about how much I would love to see what my future holds for me. But in reality...I'm positive it's better not to. Not only would I not learn important lessons specifically designed for me, but I would probably be terrified of all the scary things and would just want to eat my feelings.

I think what I need to do is just embrace the elements of surprise. Life is full of them, and they are going to pop up whether I like it not. So might as well roll with the punches and throw that confetti.


Bags said...

Here, this is for you. I know you won't enjoy it on the same level that I do, but I hope it makes you smile regardless.

Jules AF said...

Amen. Patience sucks.

Kristina P. said...

Great perspective, Bailey.

ChrisJCole said...

Hey Bailes,

I'm glad we are seeing this side of you...very good for Vol. 2 :-)