Friday, January 9, 2009

Where is everyone?

What the hell?! 2 days have gone by without a single reader. I need to figure out how to spice this baby up...and fast.

Tonight I have date with L, where we will be watching this:

Which will cause me to do this:

Ok, not really. It should be really fun. I'm guessing there will be a pretty intense group there and that always makes sporting events a little more fun slash scary.

So Saturday I will be doing this:

With my friend Josh, to get to this:

Where we will be celebrating my best friend Melissa's 22nd Birthday!!! We met as roommates a couple years ago in Provo and we have been super close ever since! She is definitely one of the best people in my life!

So, hopefully for whatever reason my blog readership will go up again. Although, the point really isn't to have readers, but to express my thoughts and feelings.
Today I'm happy to be single. I have so much going on with school and work I'm not sure I have time to fit in a real relationship. It's actually a relief when I have piles and piles of homework to do. No one else to take care of, just me.


Berkeley said...

What? Do you have a blog counter? I think it's busted because I totally checked you out in a non kissing cousins kind of way this morning.

Shanicherie said...

Just FYI...I think a lot of people use google reader now and it doesn't register a viewing on there, cause I for sure read your blog!

Bailey said...

Thanks friends slash family! My spirits are offically lifted!

Jules AF said...

Hey, I read it yesterday or Wednesday!! I swear!

Mallory said...

I check yours everyday. and watch out for that h word. if dad sees it he will make you change it like he did to me on my facebook comment to my bestie melissa. weird love ya sis

Julie said...

Forget the h word, it's the other blog where she really runs amok!

PS I took the photo and borders into Photoshop and tried a few things--Change the pink border to deep red and see what you think. loveyoubye