Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cookies and Milk

It's been way too long since I've updated, I'm sorry! I promise I'll try to post more regularly. I will say it's not because I'm is hard! I actually had to drop one of my classes...after which I felt like a loser slash failure. Whatever, I'm over that now!

Alright, so last night I went and helped out at a women's basketball game with L. He works for an athletics department in marketing. It's fun because my major is Communications so I know he could help me out as far as internships and experience goes. My issue is that I don't want to "use" people to get ahead. I know he is very interested in me, and when I don't have those same feelings in return it seems unethical for me to use the friendship for personal gain. I don't know. Thoughts on that would be appreciated.

So, Monday night one of the guys from Sunday game night asks me to hang out! He wasn't number 10 I mentioned last post, but I figured we could be friends at least. So, we went to Wal-mart and then met up with another guy and number 10. Interesting things happen when you get to know someone better. I seriously felt like I was still in High School with number 10. Don't get me wrong, he is a cool kid. He is funny and outgoing and a lot of things that will get him far in life. However, for me, in the relationship sense I feel like I would be his babysitter. So, ya know, one less thing to worry about. Other guy however, he started to grow on me. We actually hung out Tuesday night as well. He made me cookies and pizza, and I helped him look for jobs and get his resume together. He was EXTREMELY quiet at game night, but he seemed to open up and I think I'll enjoy getting to know him a little better! He will probably earn his letter soon enough.

I will be seeing him again tonight, so I'll be sure to post about that. Tonight I'm also going to dinner with one of my best friends Dave. He always bugs me about giving him a shout-out on here, so consider that your shout-out Dave M!

Today's Reason to Run:

4. If you give a mouse a cookie, he will ask for a glass of milk!

If this guys tries anything too quickly, in most cases you can assume he doesn't respect you. If you kiss him too soon, he will probably think it's OK to continue progressing to the next level whether you're ready or not. Keep him wanting more. If he refuses to accept that, you're too good for him anyway!

Happy Dating!


Kristina P. said...

Great dating tip at the end there!

Jules AF said...

You could make out with him in order to get ahead. I wouldn't consider that unethical.... haha

Clancy and Katie Black said...

haha! I really love your blog bailey, it always gives me a good laugh. I love reason to run #3!

ChrisJCole said...

B -
Soooooooooooooo I am posting once again on your blog....please take

I must agree with Kristina P. about the dating tip.

Josh and Jackie said...

Bailey hey cutie I'm so happy I found your adorable blog..I saw it on Natalie's and had to check it out..You look so gorgeous and so thin..Keep in touch k.