Thursday, January 22, 2009

Don't wake up!

Don't you hate when you have dreams that you don't want to wake up from? This happened to me last night and literally I was talking to the person in my dream and said, "I don't want to wake up because I know this is a dream, and I don't want it to end." My dream was more or less a love story I was involved in. I'm SUCH a girl sometimes. Which is totally fine, cause I'd rather be such a girl than a tiny bit boy any day of the week.

Got a few things coming up these next couple days involving potential new dates. A friend of mine (actually, he is B if you can remember that far back) asked me yesterday to come to his BBQ because he was in charge of bringing the "hot babes." Not gonna lie, a little flattered I would be included in that category. So that is tonight, should be fun.

Tomorrow I'm hanging out with L again, dinner and 80's party. I'm going to karaoke and show em what I'm made of. I'm very much into having a friendship with him as I think we can help each other out, but also very much into being single right now. So there ya go.

Sunday my super cute married friend Alanna is having a game night. Stoked on that as she is having a few young men attend. Single ones, I swear. So if nothing else, a fun night with super fun friends!

Also, have a request from you guys. I need you guys to get on that comment train! I'm hoping someday to get some sponsors for this blog so I can give out super awesome free treats to you and get some action for my writing! I know you'll pull through :)

Finally, our next Reason to Run:

2. If you feel the need to bring a knife on your date to hide in your purse because you're scared you might need it, maybe you should just stay home.

Remember how Reasons to Run are based on my life? Yeah, not kidding about this one. I had a blind date and for whatever reason I was freaked out about going. Guess what would have been a good idea? Probably just NOT going!! We have this little thing called a conscience ladies, I promise putting it to good use will help us out in the long run. It's always a good idea to protect yourself, so listen to your guts!
Happy dating!


Jules AF said...

Hey! I don't want to sound stalkerish, but some of my friends are going to that 80's party! If you meet Taylor or Andrew (both blonds with longish hair), I KNOW THEM! hahaha Have fun being social! I'm about to take a nap and to me, right now, that is 5000000 times better than being social. hahaha This is pathetic.

Jules AF said...

Oh yeah, and I alwaaaays comment, but you don't.... Reciprocation is key to getting comments! Have you ever read Kristina P's blog? She comments on mine all the time. She has SOOO many comments because she comments on every single blog she reads! It's amaazing.

Bailey said...

good point! I do need to comment more! But don't forget I was the first one to know Vienna was NOT in Italy ha ha!

Kristina P. said...

Oh, Boob Nazi Julie. Thank you for telling Bailey to comment.

And your blog is adorable! I will be back. I can't promise comments on every single post, but I can try.

Katie Schultz said...

Oh Bailey- I love your blog honesty... I live for blog drama- pretty sad, but do not have too much of my own, guess that is why soap operas are still around