Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Years Stupid

This really won't be a calculated post, as they usually tend to be. I'm just needing to vent some frustrations. J told me tonight that he may need to go to a party with his parents New Years Eve...which means I won't be with him. I feel like it's kind of a big thing for me to be coming to California to visit and I figured at least we'd be together that day. I don't know, maybe I feel like my feelings aren't being considered? But I know that's not the case, so I guess at this point I cant really articulate what exactly bothers me about the situation. One thing I don't understand is why I wouldn't be invited to go? I guess being that I haven't met them yet is a small part. Maybe after spending time with them that could change. I understand this is the first time in two years he has been able to spend the holidays with his family, so I'm really trying not to be difficult. In this moment though, I do feel disappointed. I need time to really evaluate the situation first so I don't say or do things out of emotion. I'm sure by tomorrow this will no longer be on the top of my list of frustrations.

1 comment:

Jules AF said...

New Year's Eve is the stupidest holiday of the year anyway!
I'll most likely be asleep before midnight, like always.